微軟 Office 365 Excel 專業認證課程

Excel Pro Education
微軟 Office 365 Excel 專業認證課程
7 May 2024 (Tue) - 28 May 2024 (Tue)
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
HKD 5,580
(課程費用可選擇包括考試費或不參加考試 (減$500) 。如參加微軟 MOS 國際認證考試,學員在完成課程後,可以於本中心一年内預約日期參加認證考試。)
Excel Pro Education
香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道423-425號 嘉年華商業大廈
微軟 Office 365 Excel 專業認證課程

微軟 Office 365 Excel 專業認證課程是 Excel 教學系列中的核心課程,此課程完整涵蓋微軟 Office 365 Excel 的最新功能及函數,適合辦公室工作時處理數據分析的需求,其中數據整合、數據分析及視覺化模型等内容,在課程中都詳盡講解(例如:IF、VLOOKUP、Donut Charts、TextJoint、PivotTable 及 What-If Analysis 等)。

另外,此課程更對應 微軟 MOS 專業級綜合認證 (Microsoft Office Specialist Associate) 的考試內容,因此適合準備求職或晉升人士備戰微軟 MOS 國際認證,升級成為專業人士!

本課程融合了多年的實戰經驗,令各位學員能夠充分利用及了解MS Office各版本的特點。由1997年的紮實基礎到 Office 365 版本的最新技術,都能夠靈活運用。


如有任何課程查詢或預約報名歡迎致電 3702-0208 或電郵 info@excelproedu.com.hk 與我們聯絡!


Excel basic operations
- Excel layout
- Enter numeric and text data 
- Enter data by copy and paste and auto complete
- Investing cell formatting
- Cell formatting types
- Number to Values
- Values to Numbers
- Copy cell formatting
- AutoSum
- Superscripting and Subscripting
- Copy and paste with formulas, values and transpose
- Inert Rows and Columns
- Delete Rows and Columns
- Adjust Rows and Columns
- Setting constant height and width for rows and columns
- Hide row and columns
- Use format painter for copying formats
- How to clear formats, data, hyperlinks and comments
- Skills with find and replace
- Merge and centre
- Use wrap test to adjust text length
- Accounting formats and currency formats
- How to lock you workbook, worksheets
- How to save for other file types

Introduction to Excel functions
- What are the types of excel functions
- How to use Excel functions

Excel Functions
- Math Functions
- Sum function
- Sumif function
- Count function
- Caution when using count function for text, values and empty cells
- Countif function
- Max function
- Min function
- Max and Min caution when handling local, Global Max and Min
- Average function
- Averageif function
- Round function
- Roundup function
- Rounddown function

Text Functions
- & using this operator to combine cell content
- Left function
- Right function
- Middle function
- Trim function

Time & Date Functions
- Now function
- Today function
- Days function
- Weekdays function
- Yearfrac function
- Year function
- Month  function
- Day function
- Hour  function
- Minute function

Insert Tables and Charts
- Introduction to the standard format of data
- Preparing the standard format data for tables and charts
- Insert Tables for standard format data
- How to Insert Charts for standard format data
- Insert Bar Charts
- Insert Line Charts
- Insert Pie Charts / doughnut charts
- Insert Bubble charts
- Insert Tables for standard format data
- Editing the data from a chart
- Using the chart design templates
- Moving charts to Word and PowerPoint
- Using chart format templates
- Setting chart, Axis titles and positions
- Setting charts values display format
- Setting charts grid, and box items
- Setting Linear trend line for data fields
- Setting Error bars – Standard Error, 5% Error, Standard Deviation
- Setting Chart data forecasting analysis
            Linear Forecast
            Exponential Forecast
            Moving Average Forecast
- Insert shapes to the charts
- Insert graphic design effects for the chart items
- Insert custom background for the chart
- Changing text colour and styles
- Adjusting the chart size in proportion

Logic Functions
- Logic Tests – The fundamental TRUE/FALSE analysis for Excel
- > Greater than
- < Less Than
- <> Not Equal to
- <= Less than or equal to
- >= Greater than to equal to
- = Equal to
- Logic functions
- If function
- AND  function
- OR  function
- Mixture of IF, AND, OR functions
- Strategic approach to complex mixture logical functions
- Vlookup function
- Hlookup function
- Caution whenhandling repeated primary key data
- Caution when locking data array
- Caution when counting columns for large data set
- More business application of VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP
- Using copy and paste with transpose to hand HLOOKUP data
- Keyboard Shortcut Keys
- Application of keyboard shortcut keys to work faster
- Common keyboard shortcut keys
- Using Excel keyboard shortcut keys in PC/Mac

Introduction to Pivot Table
- What is Pivot Table
- Insert a Pivot Table
- Prepare Data for pivot table
- Setting Filter, Columns, Rows and Values
- Using Value field settings to summarize values
- Insert a Pivot table in a worksheet
- Rearrange data fields for Pivot Table
- Apply business data management
- Apply business analysis with formulas
- How to refresh with data updates
- How to accommodate with new data
- Table layout setting
- Pivot table reporting settings
- New version vs Old version
- Pivot table design
- How to use 2016 Recommended Pivot Table
- Adding blank line between fields
- Look for a data solution

Insert Charts for Pivot Tables
- How to insert charts for Pivot Tables
- Using Recommended charts for Pivot Tables
- Controlling pivot chart by pivot table fields
- How to manipulate pivot charts
- Setting graphic designs for pivot charts
- Adding and removing field head from pivot charts
- Insert Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Line Chart and Area Chart etc.
- Apply trend analysis to pivot charts
- Apply linear forecast to pivot charts
- Moving the pivot charts to PowerPoint and Word
- Pivot Chart reporting

Common Skills and Tricks
- Link Tables
- Link Tables for same files, cross files, new documents and websites
- Link Table file path caution
- Advance logical test and functions
- Applying IF AND OR function for business senarios
- Applying Mixture of IF AND OR functions
- Understanding the Logical functions
- Strategic approach to Multiple complex IF functions
- Application of complex mixtures
- ISERROR function
- Rand function
- Randbetween function
- International Excel data checking approach
- Data validation with data in sequence
- Data validation with data calculations
- Cross data validation approach with VLOOKUP
- Cross data validation approach with IF ISERROR VLOOKUP
- Import data from a website
- Import financial, retail and other data from databases
- Import financial, retail and other data from ACCESS
- Advance data checking
- Special Paste – Paste with same column width, with Values only, with Transpose of data,
with Linked tables, with Pictures and Linked Pictures

Data clearing and management
- Applying Trace Precedents
- Applying Trace Dependents
- Applying Trace to investigate data calculations
- How to Remove Trace Arrows
- Using Show All formula
- Using Evaluation to debug complex Excel Formulas
- Data checking approach with Evaluation
- Using Group to manage large data
- Applying Ungroup to grouped data
- Applying Filter with advance scenarios
- Using Remove Duplicate to delete repeated data
- Using Remove Duplicate to simulate a Pivot Table
- Advance analysis by using Remove Duplicate
- Applying Text to Column to handle exported data
- Handling system data from CSV, TEXT and Excel files
- Rearrange data by using Sort by Alphabets, Values and Icons


如有任何課程查詢或預約報名歡迎致電 3702-0208 或電郵 info@excelproedu.com.hk 與我們聯絡!

For more details and registration, please click here.
7 May 2024 (Tue) - 28 May 2024 (Tue)
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
HKD 5,580
(課程費用可選擇包括考試費或不參加考試 (減$500) 。如參加微軟 MOS 國際認證考試,學員在完成課程後,可以於本中心一年内預約日期參加認證考試。)
Excel Pro Education
香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道423-425號 嘉年華商業大廈
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